Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Depression and Anxiety in Persons with...

Depression and Anxiety in Persons with Divorced Parents In the recent years, divorce rates have been continually trending upwards (Reiter, Hjorleifsson, Breidablik, Meland, 2013). It is factual that children who have parents that have divorced typically face more obstacles in numerous aspects of life than children who have married parents. Children that experience divorce have up to a 300% increase in probability to be impacted by issues in mental wellbeing than their peers without an incident of divorce in their parental structure (Shifflett Cummings, 1999). These issues can arise due to the various conflicts that may come into play throughout the divorce process, or even the mere experience of parental divorce for the child. The†¦show more content†¦Whether moderate or severe, divorce serves long-term contributions to depression and anxiety in children regardless of age (Chase-Lansdale, Cherlin, Kiernan, 1995). Mental and Emotional Adjustment in Divorce with Age Numerous factors come into play pertaining to the age of a child that undergoes the experience of parental divorce. As time passes, most research states that both anxiety and depression impact children of divorce rather steadily. However, even after adjusting, these emotional impacts are extremely consistent throughout the progression of life (Stà ¸rksen et al., 2005). Due to the inability to cognitively process and identify reasons that lead to divorce, kids around the pre-kindergarten age range are naà ¯ve to the situation. Around this age, children depend on parental support in daily life to carry out tasks. This alteration of family structure will impact smaller children more than older children, as the older child will have more outlets to channel their mental tension (Reiter et al., 2013). According to data, children may not adjust well emotionally and display bouts of anxiety, which may develop into depression at late r ages (Kline, Johnston, Tschann, 1991; Vousoura, Verdeli, Warner, Wickramaratne, Show MoreRelated Effects Of A Non-Traditional Family On Children Essay1735 Words   |  7 Pagesmold each person into who they eventually will become. The family is a guide for the success of a childs future. The stability of family creates a building block for how the child will progress throughout life. When parents divorce, the children are left with no stability causing them to lose basic concepts of childhood that may carry with them throughout life. Children of divorced parents have less success and happiness creating less productive citizens in our nation. Watching parents take a homeRead MoreEffects of a Non-Traditional Family on Children1745 Words   |  7 Pagesmold every person into who they eventually will become. 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The families of patients with PTSD have many obstacles to overcome and divorceRead MoreCauses of Teenage Depression1538 Words   |  7 Pagesbooklet or website or whatever they list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of death (â€Å"The Only Thing Worse†).† Occasional bad moods or acting out is to be expected, but depression is something different. Depression can destroy the very essence of a teenager’s personality, causing an overwhelming sense of sadness, despair, or anger (â€Å"A Guide for Parents†). The depression rate in the teen’s generation is risingRead MoreDivorce Is A Poor Attitude Toward Marriage Essay1458 Words   |  6 Pagespartner. Children should not also be reared in a violent relationship because that will inevitably affect their psychological wellbeing and corrupt them as future parents. Divorce s negative effects harm women more than men. 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